Meet Ocean, the Adventurous Hen
On our homestead, we have a hen named Ocean. Now, Ocean isn’t your typical chicken. While the rest of the flock is perfectly happy pecking and scratching within the safety of the coop and run area, Ocean always has her sights set beyond the fence. She’s curious, adventurous, and maybe just a little too brave for her own good.
A Moment of Freedom
One sunny morning, while I was busy tending to chores, I left the gate open for just a moment. That’s all Ocean needed. With a flap of her wings and a determined cluck, she darted out into the great unknown. At first, she seemed thrilled with her new freedom. She scratched at fresh dirt, found bugs she’d never seen before, and explored every nook and cranny she could find.
The Fear of the Unknown
But it didn’t take long for her excitement to turn to fear. A gust of wind rustled the trees, and a loud bark from our dog sent her into a frantic clucking fit. Which in an instant caught the attention of our fierce cat, who decided to join the excitement.
Suddenly , the big world beyond the fence wasn’t so inviting. Ocean realized she was far from home and had no idea how to get back to safety… past the noisy dog and prowling cat.
Rescue and Restoration
Hearing her distressed cries, I dropped what I was doing and followed the sounds. I found her huddled beneath a tree, her little body trembling. As soon as I reached for her, she let me scoop her up without a fight. She nestled into my arms, and I could feel her heartbeat slow as she realized she was safe. I carried her back to the coop, where the rest of the flock welcomed her home as if she’d never left.
A Parable of Our Own Wanderings
Watching Ocean’s little adventure unfold reminded me of how much we’re like her. How often do we look beyond the boundaries that God has lovingly placed in our lives, thinking the grass must be greener on the other side? We chase after what seems exciting or fulfilling, only to find ourselves overwhelmed, scared, and unsure how to get back to where we belong.
Our Season of Wandering
Not too long ago, my family and I found ourselves in a season of wandering. We didn’t realize it at the time, but we had drifted. Caught up in the busyness of life and our own plans, we lost sight of what truly mattered. But God, in His goodness, didn’t leave us there. He pursued us, just as I went after Ocean. He heard our cries and gently pulled us close.
Baptism: A Beautiful Reminder
This past Sunday, I had the honor of being rebaptized alongside my family. It was a powerful moment—a reminder that no matter how far we’ve wandered, God is always ready to welcome us home. His arms are open wide, and His love never fails.
God’s Restorative Love
Ocean’s adventure may have been short-lived, but it’s a perfect picture of how God restores us when we’ve lost our way. Psalm 23:3 says, “He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” That’s exactly what He did for us. He restored our hearts and guided us back to Him, not with condemnation, but with love and grace.
Jeremiah 31:3 reminds us, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” This is a beautiful reflection of how God’s love is unwavering, always drawing us back to Him with kindness, no matter how far we may wander.
A Word of Hope for the Lost
If you’ve ever felt like Ocean—lost, overwhelmed, and unsure of how to get back home—take heart. God is already on His way to rescue you. He hears your cries, and He’ll carry you back to the safety of His love. You don’t have to find your own way home; you just have to let Him lead you there.
A Final Reminder
So the next time I see Ocean craning her neck toward the fence, I’ll smile and remember this simple truth: God’s boundaries aren’t there to limit us—they’re there to protect us. And when we wander, His love is always big enough to bring us back.
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